User-Friendly Google Maps Scraper in 2023-24

Google Maps result page

Google Maps Scraper is an essential web scraping tool. This software is designed to extract information from Google Maps or different websites such as business listings, emails, etc, In this blog, I will discuss a user-friendly Google Maps scraper that is effective and affordable. Next, let’s find the definition of the GMaps scraper tool.


What is a Google Maps Scraper?

A “Google Maps Scraper” is a software tool or script designed to extract information from Google Maps, such as business listings, contact details, reviews, and location data, for various purposes like marketing, research, or data analysis. Next, we will find out the importance of Google Maps scraping. 

Why is Google Maps Scraping Important?

Google Maps scraping can be important for various reasons:

Business Intelligence: Companies can use scraped data to gather competitive intelligence, identify market trends, and analyze customer reviews to improve their products or services.

Marketing and Sales: Extracting contact information and location data from Google Maps helps businesses target potential customers and plan marketing campaigns effectively.

Local SEO: SEO professionals can use scraped data to optimize business listings for better visibility in local search results.

Research: Researchers can collect data for academic or market research, helping them gain insights into various aspects of businesses and locations.

Navigation and Routing: Scraped data can be used to create custom navigation and routing solutions, enhancing user experiences in apps or websites.

Geospatial Analysis: Geographers and urban planners can use Google Maps data for city planning, traffic analysis, and environmental studies.

Mapping Services: Developers can create custom maps or mapping applications using the scraped data.

While Google Maps scraping has its advantages, it’s crucial to use such data responsibly and within legal and ethical boundaries, respecting the terms of service and privacy of the platform and its users. Moreover, violating these terms can result in legal consequences and damage one’s reputation. Next, let’s find out the details of the Google Maps scraper. 

Lead generation tools by LeadStal.
Lead Generation Tools

Google Maps Scraper | LeadStal

This Google Maps extractor tool is affordable, effective, and user-friendly. It has some unique key elements which are as follows”

Key Features LeadStal’s Google Maps Scraper

  • Firstly, Google Maps Scraper is Free to Install.
  • Secondly, it’s recognized as the Fastest Google Maps Data Extractor Tool for data scraping from Google Maps.
  • Moreover, it’s considered the best Google Map extractor, especially for finding Valid Email Addresses.
  • In addition, it’s proficient at extracting a wide range of data, including addresses, phone numbers, ratings, total reviews, positive and negative reviews, websites, and more.
  • Furthermore, it allows you to send SMS and Emails instantly.
  • Additionally, it can capture Latitude and Longitude data.
  • Equally important, it’s designed to scrape bulk data efficiently.
  • Importantly, it ensures that you only extract valid data, with a straightforward rule: 1 credit equals 1 valid data.
  • For added control, you can Filter Listings Before Extracting.
  • Finally, you can Export files to CSV and Excel formats, enhancing data usability.
  • And, there’s a 24/7 helpline available to assist you whenever needed.

Next, find the cost of a Google Maps leads extractor or Google Maps Extractor. 

What is the Cost of the Google Maps Scraper

This Google Maps scraping software is the cheapest in the market. Following is the pricing plan for this tool:

To start, Free plan: 20 credits or valid data per month

Secondly, the Standard plan: US$9.99 for 2800 credits per month

Next, Business plan: US$35 per month for 10,000 credits per month

Lastly, Premium plan: US$ 250 per month for 100,000 credits

Next, let’s learn the step-by-step guide to install the Gmaps scraper tool.

How to Install Google Maps Scraper | LeadStal

Here is the step-by-step installation process. 

Google Drive page for Gmap Scraper download

  • Firstly, Click on
  • Secondly, click on the “Services” button on the top and afterward click on the “Google Maps Lead Generator”
  • Now, Scroll down and click on the “Add to Chrome” button
  • Furthermore, a Google Drive page will appear with 3 file installation guide or instruction
  • Now, click on the Google page. Afterward, click on the 3 dots on the far right corner of the Google page, then click on “Extensions” Next click on “Manage extension”. Followed by,  your Google Extensions page will appear. Select the “developer mode” button from the far right.
  • Furthermore, click the “Load unpacked” button on the top left and select the downloaded “GMap Leads Generator” folder
  • Lastly, “GMap Leads Generator Extension” will automatically appear on your Google extension page

Google Extension Page

A Step-by-Step Video Guide to Install Google Maps Scraper 

Scrape Google Maps Using Google Maps Scraper | LeadStal

Now, for your information, Google Maps Scraper or GMap Leads Generator by LeadStal is the most powerful and fastest Google Maps extractor to generate Google Maps business leads with valid emails from anywhere in the world. 

  • Firstly: Update Your Chrome Browser.

Google Maps search page

  • Step 2: Change Your Google Maps Language to English (United States)
  • Afterward: Browse 
  • Please Note: It will not work on the Google Search page
  • Next Step: After entering on put your targeted keyword on the search box.
  • Example: Software company near NewYork USA or Real Estate agents in NewYork or Plumbers in Washington, USA
  • Step 5: Click ohe “Generate Leads” button after showing the result. Don’t click on any listing then the button will not be displayed. It only works on the result page.
  • Step 6: Now wait and don’t switch tabs. The extension will keep working and collect leads from Google Maps. You can pause, resume, or stop from the popup box.
  • Step 7: After collecting listing leads from Google Maps, click on the “View Results” button.
  • Step 8: The leadStal result page will open on a new tab. You can filter your leads from here and Export them into a CSV file by clicking on the “Export” button.

Google Maps scraping result page, ready to filter and export.

Video Guide to Scrape Google Maps Using Google Maps Scraper

Is It Legal to Extract Data Using Google Maps Extractor?

Undoubtedly, Google Maps scraping can greatly benefit B2B businesses and marketing endeavors. However, adhering to specific fundamental rules when extracting data from Google Maps is essential.

In essence, data extraction from Google Maps is considered legal when employing a Google Maps Crawler, as it exclusively extracts publicly accessible data from the platform. Legal data scraping from Google Maps primarily involves collecting contact details that are openly available to all users.

Conversely, illegal Google Maps scraping encompasses:

  • Extracting copyrighted data
  • Scraping private data that necessitates login credentials, such as usernames and passwords

Additionally, it’s crucial to review and comply with Google Maps’ Terms of Use when engaging in data scraping activities. 

It’s worth noting that a substantial portion of Google Maps data is publicly accessible, as businesses on the platform aim to connect with customers by providing their contact information. 

Consequently, you can legally scrape this publicly available information using the Google Map scraping tool.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Google Map Scraper?

A Google Map Scraper is a software tool or program designed to extract data from Google Maps. Moreover, it automates the process of collecting information such as business names, addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and other details from Google Maps listings. Overall, this tool is often used for various purposes, including market research, lead generation, local business analysis, and data collection tasks where location-based information is required.

Is LeadStal’s Google Map Scraper a Cost-Effective Tool?

Yes, it is an affordable and effective Google Maps scraper. It is a user-friendly lead-generation tool for everyone. It is also a powerful web scraper that helps you gather valuable information from Google Maps! 

In the End

Finally, Google Maps Scraper by LeadStal is a cost-effective Google Maps Extractor software for everyone. It is easy to use and effective without breaking the bank. So, I recommend trying the free plan first, and do hope that you will click this link for bulk data scraping. Good Luck!

Read More Blogs on Various Scraping Tools

How to Scrape Google Maps Using Google Map Scraper

Instagram Profile Scraper

Power of LinkedIn Scraper


Published: 23/09/2023

Updated: 28/10/2023