How to Find Client Leads for Commercial Cleaning Services Using Gmap Leads Generator – Leadstal

Commercial Cleaning Services

Do you run a commercial cleaning service and struggle to find new clients? Finding the right leads can be a time-consuming process. This blog post will show you a step-by-step guide on how to use LeadStal’s Gmap Leads Generator Chrome extension to find potential clients for your commercial cleaning business. We’ll also cover how to write effective cold emails and bulk SMS messages to convert those leads into paying customers.

Who are the Targeted Audiences of Commercial Cleaning Services?

Commercial cleaning services cater to a wide range of businesses. Here are some examples:

  • Office buildings
  • Retail stores
  • Restaurants
  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Medical facilities
  • Schools and universities

How to Find Client Leads for Commercial Cleaning Services

  1. Install the Gmap Leads Generator Chrome Extension:

    • Head over to the LeadStal website and download the Gmap Leads Generator Chrome extension.
    • Once downloaded, follow the instructions in the download folder for easy installation on your Chrome browser.
    • Step 1: Download The Chrome Extension

      gmap leads generator by leadstal (7)
      gmap leads generator by leadstal (7)

      Step 2: Extract The File
      gmap leads generator by leadstal (7)Step 3: Turn on ” Developer Mode.” gmap leads generator by leadstal (7)Step 4: Load and unpack

      gmap leads generator by leadstal (7)
      Step 5: Go to the Google Mapgmap leads generator by leadstal
  2. Search for Potential Clients on Google Maps:

    • Open Google Maps and search for “Commercial Cleaning Services” in your target area.
  3. Find leads with the Gmap Leads Generator:

    • You’ll see a “Generate Leads” button next to the search results. Click on this button.
  4. Extract contact information:

    • The extension will search for valid email addresses and phone numbers associated with the listed businesses. This process may take a while, depending on the number of results.
  5. Export Leads:

    • Once the search is complete, you can export the collected data as a CSV file for easy management.

List of Keywords You Can Search on Google Maps to Find Clients for Commercial Cleaning Services

While “Commercial Cleaning Services” is a good starting point, here are some additional keywords you can use to refine your search and target specific industries:

  • “Office Cleaning Services”
  • “Janitorial Services”
  • “School Cleaning Services”
  • “Restaurant Cleaning Services”
  • “Gym Cleaning Services”
  • “Medical Facility Cleaning Services”

How to Import Emails & Phone Numbers in Omnisend after Exporting with LeadStal

Omnisend is an email marketing platform you can use to send bulk emails to your collected leads. Here’s a basic guide to importing your data:

  1. Log in to your Omnisend account.
  2. Go to the “Contacts” section.
  3. Click on “Import Contacts.”
  4. Select “CSV” as the import method.
  5. Choose the CSV file you exported from LeadStal.
  6. Map the data points (emails and names) from the CSV file to the corresponding fields in Omnisend.
  7. Confirm and import your contacts.

How to Write a Cold Email for Commercial Cleaning Services

A well-crafted cold email can introduce your services and grab the recipient’s attention. Here’s a basic template you can adapt:

Subject: Streamline Your Cleaning Routine with [Your Company Name]

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is [Your Name], and I’m the owner of [Your Company Name], a commercial cleaning service specializing in [mention your specific cleaning services].

We understand that keeping your [mention the type of business, e.g., office] clean and presentable is essential. However, managing cleaning tasks can take valuable time away from your core business activities.

Here’s how [Your Company Name] can help:

  • [Highlight a key benefit]: Briefly explain how your service benefits the recipient (e.g., save time and money, provide a healthier work environment).
  • [Highlight another key benefit]: Mention another selling point (e.g., use eco-friendly cleaning products, offer flexible scheduling).

We offer a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and provide a customized cleaning plan.

Would you be interested in a quick 15-minute call to discuss how we can help you achieve a cleaner and healthier work environment?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]

How to Design Your Email in Omnisend

Omnisend allows you to create visually appealing email templates. You can personalize the email with your company logo, choose colors that match your brand, and add clear call-to-action buttons.

How to Send Bulk Cold SMS with Omnisend After Exporting Phone Numbers from Google Maps Using LeadStal

Similar to emails, you can export phone numbers from LeadStal and import them into Omnisend. While Omnisend offers SMS marketing features, it’s important to note that cold SMS campaigns can have lower open rates compared to emails. However, SMS can still be a valuable tool for reaching out to potential clients. Here’s a basic guide to sending bulk cold SMS with Omnisend:

  1. Ensure Compliance: Familiarize yourself with SMS marketing regulations in your region. Opt-in consent is usually required before sending promotional messages.

  2. Craft a compelling SMS:

  • Keep it short and to the point (ideally under 160 characters).
  • Highlight a clear benefit of your service.
  • Include a call to action, like prompting them to visit your website or replying for a free quote.
  1. Import phone numbers:
  • In your Omnisend dashboard, navigate to the “Contacts” section.
  • Select “Import Contacts.”
  • Choose “CSV” as the import method.
  • Upload the CSV file containing phone numbers exported from LeadStal.
  • Map the phone number data point from the CSV file to the corresponding field in Omnisend.
  • Confirm and import your contacts.
  1. Segment Your Audience (Optional):
  • You can segment your phone number list based on location or industry to personalize your SMS messages further.
  1. Create your SMS campaign:
  • In Omnisend, navigate to the “SMS” section.
  • Choose “Create Campaign.”
  • Select your target audience (the imported phone numbers).
  • Craft your SMS message following the tips above.
  • Preview your message and schedule your campaign.

What is LeadStal, Features and Pricing

LeadStal is a web application with a Chrome extension that helps businesses find potential clients. Here are some of its key features:

  • Generate Leads from Google Maps: As we discussed earlier, the Gmap Leads Generator extension allows you to extract contact information from businesses listed on Google Maps.
  • Search by Location and Keywords: Refine your search for targeted leads based on specific locations and keywords relevant to your industry.
  • Export Data in Various Formats: Export your collected lead data as CSV, XLSX, or vCard files for easy use with other CRM or marketing platforms.
  • Data Verification (Optional): LeadStal offers optional add-on services to verify the accuracy of email addresses and phone numbers.


LeadStal offers various subscription plans with different features and data limits. Visit their website (link: [[invalid URL removed]]) for detailed pricing information.

Why LeadStal is Better Than Other Lead Finders

Several lead finder tools exist, but LeadStal offers some distinct advantages:

  • Targeted Search: The ability to search for leads directly on Google Maps based on location and keywords makes LeadStal highly targeted and efficient.
  • Ease of Use: The Chrome extension integrates seamlessly with Google Maps, making the lead generation process straightforward.
  • Cost-Effective: LeadStal offers competitive pricing compared to other lead finder services.

How LeadStal Can Grow Your Commercial Cleaning Services

By using LeadStal to find qualified leads, you can significantly expand your client base. Here’s how:

  • Increased Lead Generation: Reach a wider audience of potential clients you might not have found otherwise.
  • Targeted Audience: Focus your efforts on businesses that are a good fit for your cleaning services.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: By contacting leads with relevant cleaning solutions, you’re more likely to convert them into paying customers.


Here are some hypothetical testimonials to showcase the benefits of LeadStal:

  • “[Quote about how LeadStal helped a commercial cleaning company find new clients]” [Name], [Company]
  • “[Quote about how LeadStal improved the efficiency of lead generation]” [Name], [Company]

Why Valid Leads Are Important for Commercial Cleaning Services

Not all leads are created equal. Here’s why valid leads are crucial for commercial cleaning services:

  • Focus Your Efforts: Valid leads indicate a genuine interest in cleaning services, allowing you to prioritize your outreach efforts.
  • Improved Sales Conversion Rate: Contacting valid leads increases your chances of converting them into paying customers.
  • Better ROI: Investing time and resources into contacting valid leads leads to a better return on investment for your marketing efforts.

FAQs about “Leads for Commercial Cleaning Services”

  1. What are some lead-generation strategies for commercial cleaning services?

In addition to LeadStal, explore networking events, online directories, and cold calling (with permission) to find leads.

  1. How can I qualify leads for my commercial cleaning services?

Ask qualifying questions during initial contact to understand their cleaning needs, budget, and decision-making process.

  1. What are some red flags to watch out for when evaluating leads?

Be wary of leads with unrealistic expectations, extremely tight budgets, or those hesitant to provide basic information about their business.

  1. How can I nurture leads for my commercial cleaning services?

Provide valuable content, like blog posts or case studies, to educate and engage potential clients before making a sales pitch.

  1. What metrics should I track when generating leads for my cleaning services?

Track metrics like lead generation cost, conversion rate, and customer lifetime value to measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

  1. Is it better to focus on quantity or quality when generating leads?

While a larger number of leads might seem appealing, prioritize quality leads with a higher potential to convert into paying customers.

  1. How can I personalize my outreach to leads for commercial cleaning services?

Tailor your message to each lead’s specific needs and industry. Highlight how your services address their unique challenges.

  1. What are some legal considerations when generating leads for commercial cleaning services?

Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and avoid sending unsolicited marketing messages.

  1. How can I leverage social media to generate leads for my cleaning services?

Create a social media presence showcasing your services, client testimonials, and cleaning tips to attract potential clients.

  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid when generating leads for commercial cleaning services?

Don’t rely on a single lead-generation strategy. Diversify your approach to reach a broader audience. Additionally, avoid sending generic mass emails and focus on personalized communication.