Free Google Maps Scraper by LeadStal

GMaps result page using free Google Maps scraper by LeadStal
GMaps result page using free Google Maps scraper by LeadStal

In today’s data-driven world, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to gather valuable information to fuel their growth strategies. Moreover, manually extracting data from Google Maps can be a time-consuming and tedious endeavor, hindering businesses from fully leveraging this valuable resource. Therefore, here is a free Google Maps scraper to extract bulk data from Google Maps effectively, accurately, and affordably. 

Free Google Maps Scraper by LeadStal
Free Google Maps Scraper by LeadStal

Enter LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper: A Game-Changer for Business Intelligence

LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper is a powerful tool that empowers businesses to effortlessly extract essential data from Google Maps, transforming this vast repository of information into actionable insights. This revolutionary tool seamlessly integrates with Google Maps, enabling users to easily scrape data such as business names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, websites, social media links, reviews, and much more.

Unlocking a World of Possibilities

LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper empowers businesses to unlock a world of possibilities, enabling them to:

  • Expand their customer base: Reach out to potential customers with personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Optimize their marketing strategies: Tailor their marketing efforts to specific customer segments and geographic locations.
  • Enhance customer service: Respond promptly to customer inquiries and feedback.
  • Improve business decision-making: Make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Why Use LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper?

There are many reasons why businesses and individuals might use a Google Maps scraper. Here are some of the most common:

Lead generation: Businesses can use Google Maps scrapers to collect contact information for potential customers, such as business names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Overall, you can use this information to generate leads for sales and marketing campaigns.

Competitor analysis: Businesses can use Google Maps scrapers to gather information about their competitors, such as their locations, hours of operation, and customer reviews. This information can then be used to benchmark the business against its competitors and identify areas where it can improve.

Market research: Businesses can use Google Maps scrapers to gather data about their target market, such as the demographics of their customers and the locations of their competitors. This information can then be used to develop marketing strategies that are more likely to be successful.

Customer service: Businesses can use Google Maps scrapers to monitor customer reviews and identify areas where they can improve their customer service. This information can also be used to identify potential customer issues that need to be addressed.

Research: Researchers can use Google Maps scrapers to gather data about various topics, such as urban planning, transportation, and social trends. This data can then be used to conduct research and develop new insights.

Google Maps search page
Google Maps search page

Additional Benefits of Using LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper

Here are some additional benefits of using a free Google Maps scraper:

Automation: Google Maps scrapers can automate the process of collecting data from Google Maps, which can save businesses and individuals a lot of time and effort.

Accuracy: Google Maps scrapers can be very accurate, especially when they are used to collect structured data, such as business names and addresses.

Scalability: Google Maps scrapers can be used to collect data from a large number of locations, which can be helpful for businesses and individuals who need to collect data from a wide geographic region.

Overall, Google Maps scrapers can be a valuable tool for businesses and individuals who need to collect data from Google Maps. However, it is important to use Google Maps scrapers responsibly and to comply with Google’s Terms of Service.

Key Features of Free Google Maps Scraper by LeadStal

  • Firstly, the Google Maps Scraper Tool is Free to Install.
  • Secondly, it’s recognized as the Fastest Google Maps Data Extractor Tool for data scraping from Google Maps.
  • Moreover, it’s considered the best Google Map extractor, especially for finding Valid Email Addresses.
  • In addition, it’s proficient at extracting a wide range of data, including addresses, phone numbers, ratings, total reviews, positive and negative reviews, websites, and more.
  • Furthermore, it allows you to send SMS and Emails instantly.
  • Additionally, it can capture Latitude and Longitude data.
  • Equally important, it’s designed to scrape bulk data efficiently.
  • Importantly, it ensures that you only extract valid data, with a straightforward rule: 1 credit equals 1 valid data.
  • For added control, you can Filter Listings Before Extracting.
  • Finally, you can Export files to CSV and Excel formats, enhancing data usability.
  • And, there’s a 24/7 helpline available to assist you whenever needed.

Next, find the cost of a Google Maps leads extractor or Google Maps Extractor.

Is This Tool Costly?

This Google Maps scraping software is the cheapest in the market. Following is the pricing plan for this tool:

  • Firstly, the Free plan: 20 credits or valid data per month
  • Secondly, the Standard plan: US$9.99 for 2800 credits per month
  • Thirdly, Business plan: US$35 per month for 10,000 credits per month
  • Lastly, Premium plan: US$ 250 per month for 100,000 credits

Video Guide to Install LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper 

Step-By-Step Guide to Find Leads from Google Maps

Now, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use LeadStal’s Google Maps Scraper Tool to find :

  1. Create an account on LeadStal.
  2. Go to the “Google Maps Scraper” page.
  3. Enter the keywords and location that you want to search for.
  4. Click the “Start Scraping” button.

LeadStal will then scrape the Google Maps listings for the keywords and locations that you specified. It will extract the email addresses from the listings and save them to a CSV or Ms. Excel file.

Once the scraping is complete, you can download the CSV file to build your email list.

Step-By-Step Video Guide to Scrape Google Maps 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

A Google Maps Scraper Tool is a software application that extracts data from Google Maps. This data can include the name, address, phone number, website, and other information about businesses and points of interest.

What is a Google Maps Extractor Tool?

A Google Maps Extractor Tool is a software application that extracts data from Google Maps. This data can include the name, address, phone number, website, and other information about businesses and points of interest.

What is a Google Maps Extractor?

Firstly, a Google Maps extractor is a software application that can automatically extract data from Google Maps. Overall, this data can include business information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and websites, as well as user reviews and ratings.

How Does a Google Maps Extractor Work to Extract New York’s Real-Estate Agents’ Leads

Although, Google Maps extractors typically use a combination of web scraping and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract data from Google Maps. Overall, web scraping involves extracting data from the HTML code of a website, while NLP is used to extract meaning from unstructured text data, such as user reviews, emails, New York real-estate agents’ leads, and many more

What is a Webpage Scraper?

A page scraper is a software or tool used to extract data from websites. It navigates through web pages to extract information such as text, images, links, and other elements and compiles them into a structured format like a spreadsheet or database. Overall, webpage scrapers are valuable for automating data collection tasks, conducting research, and aggregating information from the internet efficiently.

What is a Google Maps Scraper?

A Google Maps Scraper is a specialized tool designed to extract information from Google Maps. Moreover, it allows users to gather data such as business names, addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and more from Google Maps listings. Overall, this tool streamlines the process of collecting valuable location-based data for various purposes, including business research, marketing, and analysis.

How does GMap Leads Generator work?

GMap Leads Generator works by using advanced data extraction techniques to scrape information from Google Maps. Overall, users can input specific search criteria, and the Google Map Extractor tool will retrieve relevant data from the map results.

What type of data can I extract using Google Maps Leads Generator?

Overall, with Google Map Leads Generator, you can extract various data points, including business names, addresses, contact numbers, website URLs, and other relevant details available on Google Maps.

Is Google Map Scraper easy to use?

Yes, Google Map Scraper is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Overall, you can input your search criteria and extract data with just a few clicks, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Can I use Google Maps Extractor for market research?

Absolutely! Google Map Leads Generator or Google Map Extractor is an excellent tool for market research. Additionally, it allows you to gather data about competitors, potential customers, and local businesses, helping you make informed business decisions.

Is Google Map Leads Generator Compliant with Google’s Terms of Service?

GMap Leads Generator, Google Maps Leads Generator, Google Map Scraper, and Google Map Extractor whatever we call, it operates within Google’s terms of service for data extraction. However, it’s essential to use the tool responsibly and avoid any excessive scraping that may violate the terms.

Step-By-Step Video Guide to Extract New York’s Real-Estate Agents’ Leads with Google Maps Extractor

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New York Real-Estate Agents' scraping result page in Ms Excel format
New York Real-Estate Agents’ scraping result page in MS Excel format

Embrace the Power of Data-Driven Growth

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses that effectively leverage data are poised for success. LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper provides businesses with a powerful tool to transform Google Maps data into actionable insights, paving the way for strategic growth and market dominance. Embrace the power of data-driven decision-making and unlock the limitless possibilities that LeadStal’s Free Google Maps Scraper has to offer.


PUBLISHED DATE: 28/11/2023

Last Updated: 10/01/2024