How to Scrape Instagram Comments

How to Scrape Instagram Comments

Instagram comments whisper secrets about trends, opinions, and audience engagement. But how do you tap into this goldmine of insights without scrolling endlessly? The answer: scraping comments! Moreover, in this article, we will learn the best way to scrape Instagram comments cost-effectively.

Scrape Instagram comments

Why Scrape Instagram Comments?

  • Market Research: Discover trending topics, audience preferences, and brand sentiment to inform your marketing strategy.
  • Influencer Analysis: Identify potential brand ambassadors based on engagement and reach within your niche.
  • Competitor Insights: Analyze your competitor’s content performance and audience demographics to improve your own strategy.
  • Social Listening: Track conversations around your brand, industry, or keywords to stay ahead of the curve.

Best 3 Methods to Scrape Instagram Comments

  1. Manual Scraping: Time-consuming and cumbersome, suitable only for a limited number of comments.
  2. Web Scraping Tools: Python libraries like “Scrapy” or paid browser extensions offer automation but require technical expertise.
  3. Dedicated Instagram Scraping Platforms: User-friendly platforms like LeadStal provide intuitive interfaces and powerful features for effortless scraping.

Best Tools to Scrape Instagram Comments

Tool Features Ease of Use Pricing
LeadStal Multiple post-extraction, comment filtering, data export, multi-account management Very Easy Free trial; Paid plans start at $10/month
Apify Public profile scraping, custom scraping scripts, API access Moderate Free plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $49/month
Jarvee Automation for likes, comments, follows, scraping with custom filters Advanced $49.95 (one-time payment)

Table of Comparison Between the Best Instagram Scrapers

Factor LeadStal Apify Jarvee
Target data Comments Public profiles, posts, comments Public profiles, posts, comments
Ease of use Beginner-friendly Moderate learning curve Advanced users only
Features Basic to advanced Customizable, API access Extensive automation
Pricing Free trial; Affordable plans Freemium model; Higher paid plans One-time payment, high-cost

Ratings and Reviews of the Instagram Email Finders


  • SaaSworthy: 4.5 stars out of 5 based on 16 reviews
  • SourceForge: 4.7 stars out of 5 based on 14 reviews
  • Capterra: 4.7 stars out of 5 based on 7 reviews

Scrape Instagram comments with Apify



  • Rating: 4.3 out of 5 based on 34 reviews
  • Positive: Users praise Apify’s powerful features, customizability, and API access. Many reviewers found it helpful for complex data extraction projects.
  • Negative: Some negative reviews mention the learning curve for setting up custom scripts and occasional bugs or limitations in the free plan.


  • Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 59 reviews
  • Pros: Highlighted features include ease of use, flexibility, and excellent customer support. Users appreciate the pre-built templates and intuitive interface.
  • Cons: Some reviewers mention pricing can be expensive for advanced features and occasional issues with data accuracy or extraction time.



  • Rating: 3.2 out of 5 based on 156 reviews
  • Positive: Reviewers appreciate Jarvee’s automation capabilities for likes, comments, and follows. Some find it helpful for managing multiple social media accounts.
  • Negative: Many negative reviews focus on frequent updates breaking existing automation, high upfront costs, and technical complexity. Some users felt misled by marketing claims.


  • Rating: 3.8 out of 5 based on 40 reviews
  • Pros: Users like Jarvee’s comprehensive automation features and detailed targeting options.
  • Cons: Common complaints include difficulty in setting up automation, occasional account suspensions due to violating platform policies, and limited customer support.

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LeadStal is the Best Tool to Scrape Instagram Comments!

LeadStal takes the cake for its ease of use, powerful features, and affordable pricing. With a free trial and intuitive interface, even social media newbies can start scraping in minutes. Advanced users can filter comments by keyword, date, and user mentions, while multiple data export formats cater to various needs.

Why LeadStal is the Winner

  • Effortless Scraping: No coding required, perfect for beginners.
  • Multiple Post Extraction: Scrape comments from multiple posts simultaneously.
  • Advanced Filters: Refine your data with keywords, dates, and user mentions.
  • Data Export Options: Download comments in CSV, Excel, or JSON formats.
  • Affordable Pricing: Free trial followed by flexible plans suitable for all budgets.
  • 5 Tools with Single Subscription: You can get access to 5 tools by subscribing to any single LeadStal tool
  • Responsive customer service
  • Resume scraping from the last scraping or paused point
  • Minimum 7k data scraping per day

How to Install LeadStal Instagram Comments Scraper?

How to Scrape Instagram Comments with LeadStal

You can generate Instagram user post comments leads with IG Scraper & Email Finder

Step 1: Open any Instagram Post

Second step: After the Search Results, Click on the “Comment Leads” Button from the Left-Bottom of the Page

Step 3: Wait For Some Time to Generate Leads.

Fourth Step: After Completing Generating Leads, Click on the “View Result” Button.

Finally: You Can Filter Your Instagram Data and Export Them as a CSV File from Here.

Video Guide to Scrape Instagram Comments Using LeadStal

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

  • Is scraping Instagram comments legal? It depends on how you use the data. Scraping public data for ethical purposes is generally considered fair use. Always review Instagram’s Terms of Service.
  • Is LeadStal safe? Yes, LeadStal is a secure platform with advanced security measures.

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The Final Advice

Unlocking the power of Instagram comments is just a click away with the right tools. LeadStal stands out as the most user-friendly and affordable option, empowering you to gain valuable insights from the social media chatter. So, why wait? Start scraping, analyzing, and discovering the hidden gems within those comments!

Remember: Scrape responsibly and ethically, respecting user privacy and Instagram’s Terms of Service. Now, go forth and conquer the world of Instagram comments!


Published: 19/12/2023