Effective LinkedIn Lead Generation Software Under US$10 in 2024

LinkedIn lead generation software by leadStal

LinkedIn lead generation is an integral part of marketing insights and business growth in this digital world. Hence, you need effective LinkedIn lead generation software to generate data quickly and affordably. Overall, this tool has to be reliable, accurate, and budget-friendly. Following this, let’s find the key elements and pricing of this LinkedIn lead generation app. 

LinkedIn leads generation tool by leadStal

LinkedIn Leads Generator by LeadStal a Cost-Effective Lead Generation Software

As per the LeadStal website:  “Explore our LinkedIn Leads Generator Tool, a cost-effective solution for LinkedIn lead generation. This LinkedIn Leads Generation tool is an affordable LinkedIn Email Finder and the fastest LinkedIn Scraper.

You can extract emails using this LinkedIn email extractor and gather data with this LinkedIn data scraper to match your specific needs. Supercharge your outreach with #LinkedInEmailScraper and #LinkedInWebScraper.” 

Key Features of LinkedIn Lead Generation Software

  • Comprising: Be able to scrape a person’s or company’s name, last activity, followers, following, email, phone number, website, social media, employees, age, etc.
  • In addition to that: it offers bulk data scraping.
  • Furthermore: Each credit is equal to 1 valid data.
  • Afterward: 100% accurate and valid data.
  • Moreover: 24/7 customer service.
  • Additionally: Providing a free plan.
  • Moreover: It allows users to export data to CSV and Excel formats.
  • Not to mention: The ability to scrape 200 profiles at once to bypass LinkedIn restrictions.

Is This LinkedIn Lead Generation Software Costly?

  • Firstly, The free Plan is 20 credits per month
  • Secondly, the standard plan is US$9.99 per month for 3000 valid credits
  • Thirdly, the business plan is US$35 per month for 10,000 credits
  • Lastly, the premium plan is US$250 per month for 100,000 credits
  • Overall, Customize plans based on your requirements(for this contact support directly)

Other Key Elements of this LinkedIn Lead Generation Tool

  • Subscribing to LeadStal’s lead generation tool automatically grants access to additional lead generation tools.
  • Get access to Instagram Scraper, Google Maps Scraper, Email Finder, and Email Validator
  • Be able to send emails and SMS

Why This LinkedIn Lead Generation Software is Cheaper Than Other Tools?

According to the LeadStal website: “Welcome to LeadStal! We’re a passionate group dedicated to enhancing lives worldwide through innovative solutions. Our mission is clear: we’re here to simplify and improve by aiding businesses in their growth and customer acquisition efforts.

Who are we? We’re a dynamic team of enthusiasts who love to innovate. Our driving force is to enhance your experience. Our mission is to assist you in attracting more customers to your business using our powerful Lead Generation Tools. Recognizing the challenges in finding new customers, we’ve created something special – the LinkedIn Email Finder, Gmap Scraper, and Instagram Scraper – to lend a hand.

Finally, their objectives are to develop cost-effective lead-generation software that is affordable to everyone and easy to use.

Tips for Effective Lead Generation with This Lead Generation Software

Here are some guidelines for optimizing your results when using these lead-generation

tools. Keep in mind that every social media platform has its limitations, so it’s important to exercise caution while scraping data. Additionally, closely adhere to the tool’s instructions during the scraping process to ensure the best outcomes.

In summary, practice ethical and legal scraping by avoiding sensitive personal data, following the tool’s guidance, and achieving maximum results while preventing any potential blocks. Afterward, let’s delve into the process of installing the LinkedIn Leads Generator.

How to Scrape LinkedIn Company Leads with LinkedIn Leads Generator by LeadStal

  1. Install the extension by clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.
  2. Go to LinkedIn and search for your keyword
  3. Filter Company from Search Result
  4. Click on the “Company Leads” button from the Left bottom.
  5. Done! Now wait some time, Our tool will scrape data from Linkedin and show you the result on the LeadStal result page.
  6. You can easily filter users from the result page and extract your LinkedIn data as a CSV file.

Step-By-Step Video Guide to Scrape Bulk Company Leads From LinkedIn Using LinkedIn Leads Generator by LeadStal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the LinkedIn Leads Generator Software, and How Does It Work?

The LinkedIn Leads Generator Software is a powerful browser extension designed to assist users in extracting valuable data and email addresses from LinkedIn profiles. Using advanced scraping techniques, the tool gathers relevant information from LinkedIn’s platform, enabling users to find and collect leads efficiently. With the extracted data exportable in CSV files, users can easily access and analyze the lead information.  Overall, this tool is a game-changer for businesses seeking to expand their network and generate quality leads from LinkedIn’s extensive user base.

What is LinkedIn Lead Generation?

LinkedIn lead generation means finding and connecting with potential clients or business partners on LinkedIn. It is a process to collect various data like emails, names, websites, contact information, etc using the LinkedIn Leads Generation Tool.

Why LinkedIn for Lead Generation? 

You may know that LinkedIn has the data of 800 million professionals of different trade backgrounds, which is highly valuable for both individuals and  B2B companies for their growth. Moreover, it helps generate better and more authentic leads compared to other social media platforms. For this reason, people tend to rely on LinkedIn for lead generation. Later on, our topic of discussion is the introduction to LinkedIn Leads Generator by LeadStal.

Benefits of LinkedIn Lead Generation.

Three main benefits of LinkedIn Lead Generation are

  • Targeted networking
  • Professional Credibility
  • B2B Opportunity 

Is It Legal to Scrape LinkedIn Using LinkedIn Leads Generator

It is legal as long as you follow the legal aspects of LinkedIn. Scrape sensibly and don’t scrape sensitive personal data from LinkedIn. Good Luck!

Read More Blogs on Different Lead Generation Tools

“In the end, click the LeadStal, sign up, and try the free account today!”


PUBLISHED: 24/10/2023

Last Updated: 14/01/2024