How To Generate Leads Using A VA (Virtual Assistant)

Generate Leads Using A VA (Virtual Assistant)
Generate Leads Using A VA (Virtual Assistant)

Every business needs to generate leads in some way or another. They’re constantly looking for active leads who can turn into prospects or customers. Today, we’ll talk about how to generate leads using a VA (virtual assistant). We’ll also discuss what a VA does and how it can help your business in the long run, by generating leads using a VA. 

Generate Leads Using A VA (Virtual Assistant)
Generate Leads Using A VA (Virtual Assistant)

What is a VA (Virtual Assistant)?

A virtual assistant provides a company with professional administrative, technical, and creative assistance to clients remotely. They also help with screening and locating potential clients and convincing them to work with your business. 

How do you generate leads using a VA?

A lead generation virtual assistant ensures that you’ll get a continuous stream of leads that your sales agents can reach out to. They also filter consumer and business prospects via outbound telemarketing and help streamline your company’s sales processes so that only the ones most likely to convert make it through the pipeline.

What a Lead Gen Virtual Assistant Can Do for your Business? 

  • Create an excel database 
  • Lead research through LinkedIn
  • Lead generation through online research
  • Lead research through paid software/applications 
  • Email finding through crawler application
  • Competitor research
  • Network growth through LinkedIn management
  • Email support
  • Making an active call list
  • Create a lead magnet
  • Content Marketing
  • Nurture the leads and follow-ups

Create an Excel database

An Excel database is needed to keep all the records of a business/company. The records that are stored there include pieces of information about prospects, new clients, and existing clients. It can be used in the future for follow-ups and for fruitful communication. 

The VA keeps updating it and following it to get more leads which can later turn into clients. They also enter data on clients and leads. 

Lead research through LinkedIn

A VA has lots of responsibilities, and one of them is doing flawless research. As we all know, what and how “LinkedIn” works. 

We can get many potential leads through LinkedIn, all we need to do is research and initiate a conversation with the latent leads for our business, and that job falls upon the shoulders of a VA. If a VA can do the research perfectly on LinkedIn then he or she can bring your company plenty of potential prospects.

Lead generation through online research

We’ve discussed “Linkedin” above, which is a part of social media, there are also many other social media, platforms available from which your VA can generate leads. Not only from social media but they can also get leads from online sites and tools too. 

Lead research through paid software/applications

A VA should have knowledge about the tools, applications, and software that are used for collecting leads. They should know how to operate them and maximize their usage. 

The software and tools make our tasks, easier as most of the lead collection is done by it. There are lots of tools and software available in the market which can be used by your VA to give out a greater output. 

Email finding through crawler application

A web crawler (also known as a web spider, spider bot, web bot, or simply a crawler) is a computer software program that is used by a search engine to index web pages and content across the World Wide Web. Indexing is quite an essential process as it helps users find relevant queries and leads within seconds.

A VA can use the crawler application to scrape out leads, emails, and other information to benefit your business. 

Competitor research

A VA is in charge of investigating your competitors and their profiles. They will figure out what your competitors are offering to the market and how you can stand out from them. 

They’ll study the moves of your competitor and plan what direction should your company go in order to beat the opponents. They’ll try to get the leads that are going to your contender through conducting research. 

Network growth through LinkedIn management

Virtual Assistants gather leads through networking on Linkedin. Linkedin has a huge base of professionals. A VA communicates and bonds with them in order to uphold your business’s reputation. 

They spread what your business does and try to convert the prospects into clients. 

Email support

The cold emails are the ones that are customized and sent by the VA in order to generate leads. They put all the latest updates and offers in the email and send them to potential prospects, new clients, and existing clients to remind them about your business. 

Making an active call list

A VA should always cross-check the contacts that they have gathered to see if the leads are active or not. Once they’re sure of the active leads, the next step is to call them up and let them know about your business and what you do. 

They try hard to convince the prospects to turn into clients by following them up. 

Create a lead magnet

In the field of marketing, a “lead magnet” is a persuasive tool that lets people enjoy the value of your brand or service for free. This happens through an exchange of information, usually their contact details. Lead magnets can be free samples, trial subscriptions, e-books, PDF guides, etc. 

The trick here is to provide a lot of value that your customers would be interested in and be willing enough to provide their contact information. Effective lead magnets become a great driver of lead influx. An advantage of using lead magnets is that your customers also expect you to get in touch with them via email or phone once the trade has happened.

If virtual assistants are able to successfully evoke a sense of interest in your customers, chances are they will have a high likelihood of converting.

Content marketing

A VA should create lead-generating content with relevant content and a compelling call to action. Consider scheduling posts that provide great value to a certain segment.

That already has points for personalization. When you have a great call to action that compels them to engage with your post, you’ll have an even higher chance of generating a lead. 

Nurture the leads and follow-ups

A VA is supposed to take the responsibility of nurturing the leads that they’ve gathered. They should communicate with them and try to convert them into your client and they should also follow up with the existing customers. 

Existing customers tend to refer so following up with them might introduce you to new clients who are interested in your business. 

What Results Can You Expect Out of Generate Leads Using a VA (Virtual Assistant)?

By properly curating your lead generation strategy you can:

  • Build databases of potential customers
  • Test different industries/sectors as leads 
  • Expand your professional network
  • Target campaigns to individuals rather than companies
  • Increased sales through large outreach
  • Drive engagement to your brand and social media channels

If you’re considering hiring a “Virtual Assistant” it’ll benefit you to ensure your social media strategy is on point and enables your new leads to keep up to date with your brand.

To Wrap It Up

As we’ve already discussed how to generate leads using a VA (Virtual Assistant) and be useful to your business. If you’re intending to hire a virtual assistant, then you can keep these simple lead generation techniques in mind to help your business gain more clients and customers. Read the points above to have a good insight into how to generate leads using a VA. 

We have more articles in our blog, how about you start with10 Steps to Set Up Facebook Lead Generation Ads?

Thank you for reading and being with us! We hope we were able to assist you and we wish you luck. 


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