Instagram Lead Generation Tool Under USD10 in 2024

IG search page before scraping using Instagram Lead Generation Tool By LeadStal
IG search page before scraping using IG email finder

In the competitive world of business, it is crucial to find cost-effective ways to generate leads and grow your customer base. Instagram, with its over 2 billion active users, is a powerful platform for reaching potential customers. However, generating leads on Instagram can be time-consuming and expensive. Hence, that’s where the Instagram lead-generation tool comes in. This tool can help you automate many of the tasks involved in generating leads, such as following users, sending direct messages, and commenting on posts.

There are several Instagram lead generation tools available, but many of them are expensive. However, several tools are available for under USD10 per month. Therefore, in today’s blog, we will source you a cost-effective Instagram lead-generation tool.  

An Instagram Hashtag search page before scraping using Instagram lead generation tool by LeadStal


What is Instagram Lead Generation?

Instagram lead generation is the process of using Instagram to attract potential customers, nurture their interest, and collect their contact information. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as:

  • Creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience
  • Using relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience,
  • Additionally, engage with your followers by responding to comments and questions
  • Furthermore, running contests and giveaways to generate excitement and attract new followers
  • Lastly, utilize Instagram Insights to track your results and make adjustments to your strategy as needed

Once you have collected contact information from potential customers, you can then nurture them through your marketing funnel and convert them into paying customers.

Benefits of Instagram Lead Generation

There are many benefits to using Instagram for lead generation, including:

  • Firstly, there are many benefits to using Instagram for lead generation, including:
  • Secondly, Instagram is a highly engaged platform with over 2 billion active users.
  • Moreover, Instagram is a visual platform, which is ideal for showcasing your products or services.
  • Additionally, Instagram allows you to target your ads to specific demographics and interests.
  • Lastly, Instagram is a cost-effective way to generate leads.
Instagram comments leads result page after scraping using Leadstal Instagram Scraper
Instagram comments lead result page after scraping using Leadstal Instagram Scraper

How to Get Started with Instagram Lead Generation

If you’re interested in using Instagram for lead generation, there are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Create an Instagram business profile.
  • ** develop a content strategy that is relevant to your target audience.**
  • Use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience.
  • Run contests and giveaways to generate excitement and attract new followers.
  • Use Instagram Insights to track your results and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.

You can also use Instagram lead generation tools to automate many of the tasks involved in generating leads, such as following users, sending direct messages, and commenting on posts.

Here are a few of the most popular Instagram lead-generation tools under USD10 per month:

Here are a few of the most popular Instagram lead-generation tools under USD10 per month:

  • Firstly, Instagram Scraper by LeadStal,
  • Secondly, Instagram Growth Engine,
  • Additionally, Social Sensei,
  • Moreover, Instazood,
  • Furthermore, Instagress,
  • Lastly, GrowSocial.

By following these tips, you can use Instagram to generate leads and grow your business.

What is the Cost-Effective Instagram Lead Generation Tool?

A cost-effective Instagram Lead-Generation Tool means, effective, accurate, affordable, and user-friendly. Overall, this tool will generate leads quickly, easily, and without breaking the bank. 

How to Use Instagram Scraper to Find New Customers

Instagram Scraper by LeadStal: A Powerful Lead Generation Tool

In the dynamic realm of online marketing, Instagram has emerged as a formidable platform for businesses to connect with potential customers and foster brand awareness. Moreover, manually extracting valuable data from Instagram can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive endeavor.  Overall, this is where Instagram Scraper by LeadStal steps in, offering a robust solution for effortlessly harvesting valuable insights and generating leads from Instagram.

Key Features of Instagram Scraper by LeadStal

Instagram Scraper by LeadStal boasts an array of powerful features that empower businesses to harness the full potential of Instagram data. These include:

Targeted Data Extraction: Firstly, seamlessly extract data from specific profiles, hashtags, locations, or competitor accounts.

Comprehensive Data Acquisition: Gather a wealth of data, including usernames, profile URLs, bios, follower counts, following counts, post URLs, likes, comments, and more.

Email and Phone Number Finder: Additionally, uncover valid email addresses and phone numbers associated with Instagram profiles.

Lead Generation: Moreover, identify and extract contact information of potential leads, enabling targeted outreach campaigns.

Data Export and Analysis: Overall, export extracted data into CSV or Excel formats for further analysis and utilization.

Benefits of Utilizing Instagram Scraper by LeadStal

Businesses can reap a multitude of benefits by incorporating Instagram Scraper by LeadStal into their marketing strategies:

Enhanced Lead Generation: Firstly, identify and target potential leads with relevant interests and demographics.

Market Research and Analysis: Secondly, gain valuable insights into industry trends, competitor strategies, and audience preferences.

Brand Awareness and Monitoring: Thirdly, track brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and competitor activity.

Content Strategy Development: Lastly, identify popular trends, hashtags, and content formats to optimize content creation.

Final search result in Excel format after scraping
Final search result in Excel format after scraping

Ease of Use and Affordability

Instagram Scraper by LeadStal is designed for effortless operation, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes and technical expertise. Moreover, the intuitive interface and user-friendly dashboard guide users through the scraping process with ease. Additionally, the tool is offered at a competitive price point, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to leverage Instagram data effectively.

Pricing Plan

  • Free Plan: 100 credits or emails or any data per month
  • Standard Plan: US$10 per month for 2800 credits or emails or any data
  • Business Plan: US$35 per month for 10,000 credits or emails or any data
  • Premium Plan: US$ 250 per month for 100,000 credits or emails or any data
  • Customized Plan: You can contact LeadStal to make a customized plan as per your budget and targeted leads.

Customer Support

LeadStal’s customer support is 24/7 and is very generous, and professional, and provides quick solution. The refund policy is good and you can even get more than 1000 free credits if you have a justifiable reason. 

LeadStal Instagram Email Lookup
LeadStal Instagram Email Lookup

Why Is Instagram Email Finder by LeadStal Cheaper than Other  Tools?

LeadStal Instagram Email Finder is cheaper than other tools for a few reasons:

  • It is a newer tool in the market. LeadStal is a relatively new tool, which means that it is still trying to gain market share. As a result, LeadStal is offering its software at a discounted price to attract new customers.
  • It is focused on specific features. LeadStal is focused on providing essential features for Instagram email finding, such as email extraction, email validation, and data enrichment. This focus on specific features helps LeadStal to keep its costs down.
  • It is cloud-based. LeadStal is a cloud-based software, which means that there are no upfront costs associated with setting up and using the software. This also helps LeadStal to keep its costs down.
  • It is committed to providing affordable pricing. LeadStal is committed to providing its customers with a high-quality product at an affordable price. LeadStal’s team is constantly working to improve the software and add new features while keeping the pricing affordable.

In addition to these reasons, LeadStal also offers a free trial so that users can try the software before they buy it. This is a great way for users to see if LeadStal is the right tool for them before they commit to a paid subscription.

Overall, LeadStal Instagram Email Finder is a great option for businesses of all sizes that are looking for an affordable and effective way to find email addresses from Instagram users.

Here is a comparison of the pricing of LeadStal Instagram Email Finder and some other popular Instagram email finder tools:

Tool Monthly Price
LeadStal Instagram Email Finder(Free Plan) $9 – $35
Phantombuster $30 – $199
ScrapeStorm $29 – $399
Follow Liker $7.99 – $59.99


As you can see, LeadStal Instagram Email Finder is significantly cheaper than other popular Instagram email finder tools. This makes it a great option for businesses of all sizes, including startups and small businesses.

If you are looking for an affordable and effective Instagram email finder tool, then I highly recommend checking out LeadStal Instagram Email Finder.

Video Guide to Install Instagram Lead Generation Tool by LeadStal

How to Generate Leads from Instagram Using Leadstal’s Instagram Scraper

Let’s find out how to scrape Instagram with this Instagram scraper. Here is the step-by-step guide for you:

How to Scrape Instagram Profiles Using Instagram Lead Generation Tool

Firstly, Install the extension by clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.

  • Secondly, Go to any IG Profile.
  • Next, Click on the “Profile Leads” button which will be shown beside the search results.
  • Now, Done! Now wait some time, the Instagram email finder tool will scrape data from IG and show you the result on the LeadStal result page.
  • Finally, You can easily extract your IG data as a CSV file.
  • Now, extract your emails from the CSV or Exel file!

Step-By-Step Instagram Hashtags or Locations Using Instagram Lead Generation Tool

  • First up, Install the extension by clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.
  • Secondly, Go to IG and search for your Hashtag or Location
  • Thirdly, Click on the “Hashtag Leads” or “Location Leads” button which will be shown beside the search results.
  • Next, Done! Now wait some time, Instagram scraper will scrape data from IG and show you the result on the LeadStal result page.
  • Lastly, You can easily filter users from the result page and extract your IG data as a CSV file.

Instagram location hashtag search page before scraping using Instagram lead generation tool

Step to Instagram Followers or Following Scraping Guide Using Instagram Lead Generation Tool

  • Firstly, Install the extension by clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.
  • Secondly, Go to IG Profile and Click on Followers or Following to Open the List.
  • Thirdly, Click on the “Followers Leads” or “Following Leads” button which will be shown beside the search results.
  • Next, Done! Now wait some time, the Instagram extractor will scrape data from IG and show you the result on the LeadStal result page.
  • Now, You can easily filter users from the result page and extract your IG data as a CSV file.

Guide to Scrape Instagram Likes or Comments

  • Firstly, Install the extension by clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.
  • Secondly, Go to IG Post.
  • Thirdly, Click on the “Likers Leads” or “Commenters Leads” button which will be shown beside the search results.
  • Now, Done! Now wait some time, the Instagram email finder will scrape data from IG and show you the result on the LeadStal result page.
  • Next, You can easily filter users from the result page and extract your IG data as a CSV file.

Video Guide to Generate Leads from Instagram Using an Instagram Lead Generation Tool.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is an Instagram Scraper?

An Instagram Scraper is a tool or software that allows users to extract and collect data from Instagram, such as posts, followers, likes, comments, and more.

What is an Instagram Email Finder?

An Instagram Email Finder is a tool designed specifically to locate and extract email addresses from Instagram profiles, enabling targeted outreach and lead generation.

How does Instagram email finder work?

An Instagram email finder is a tool that scans public profiles on Instagram to extract the email addresses of users who have made their email information visible. These tools use algorithms to search for patterns in the way email addresses are displayed in profiles and extract them for marketing or outreach purposes.

What can I do with an Instagram Data Extractor?

An Instagram Data Extractor empowers you to gather valuable insights from Instagram, including user demographics, engagement metrics, and trending content, helping inform marketing strategies and audience targeting.

Is using an Instagram Scraper or Email Finder legal?

While scraping data from Instagram is not explicitly allowed in Instagram’s terms of service, some tools comply with data privacy regulations and fair use policies. Users should exercise caution and review the tool’s terms and conditions.

What type of data can I extract with an Instagram Scraper?

An Instagram Scraper can extract various data, including usernames, post content, number of followers, following, likes, comments, and other publicly available information.

How does an Instagram Email Finder locate emails?

An Instagram Email Finder uses algorithms and web scraping techniques to search for and identify email addresses associated with Instagram profiles.

Can an Instagram Email Finder extract verified emails?

An Instagram Email Finder may be able to extract verified email addresses from specific Instagram profiles, depending on the tool’s capabilities and access to public information.

Can I use an Instagram Data Extractor for market research?

Yes, an Instagram Data Extractor is valuable for market research, enabling businesses to gather insights about their target audience, competitors, and trends in the industry.

Is there a limit to the number of profiles I can scrape with an Instagram Scraper?

Some Instagram Scrapers may have limitations on the number of profiles that can be scraped within a specific timeframe. Check the tool’s documentation for details.

How do I choose the right Instagram Scraper or Email Finder for my needs?

Consider factors such as features, user reviews, pricing, and customer support when choosing the right Instagram Scraper or Email Finder that aligns with your specific requirements.

Read More Blogs on Different Lead Generation Tools


Finally, you have detailed insights into the process about how to choose an Instagram lead generation tool after reading this blog. Try the free version, and get to know the tool, Instagram Scraper by LeadStal will not let you down. 


Published: 12/11/2023

Last Updated: 14/01/2024